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                                                        HARMFUL FOODS

Danger for you cat:   

Everyday foods are not always safe for cats to eat or come into contact with so here is a list to beware of for our cats.

Our cats can get intoxicated when they drink alcohol but it is believed that as little as a tablespoon of alcohol can be a serious problem for your cat and cause liver and/or brain damage!

Eaten in sufficient quantities anything in the onion family raw or otherwise could give your cat an unpleasant digestive upset. So keep them well away.

Most cats are lactose intolerant and giving them milk could give them an upset tummy. Make sure you leave a bowl of fresh water and if you must give them branded cat milk use only as a treat as it has no nutritional value.

This is poisonous for cats as it contains theobromine and even a small amount can cause heart problems, kidney failure and/or seizures, so make sure your own treats and chocie snacks are hidden away.

Cats like to chew on houseplants but some of these can be toxic. Lilies in particular have a scent that attracts some cats, but the orange pollen is highly toxic and causes fatal kidney failure in cats. Brushing against the flower can cause pollen particles to cling to their fur which are ingested during grooming. Avoid having these types of house plants in your house. If you have bought lilies flowers in a vase just snip off the pollen loaded stamen and throw away where your cat cannot find them.

Antifreeze (ethylene glycol)
Cats are attracted to antifreeze because of its sweet taste. Ethylene Glycol is found in most types of antifreeze and is very toxic to cats. Even just a few drops of this is enough to cause serious, if not fatal, kidney damage should your cat ingest it or walk through it and later on lick their paws. Symptoms include vomiting, drooling, loss of appetite, excessive urination or no urination at all.

Never ever give paracetamol or ibuprofen to cats as they are highly poisonous. Paracetamol in particular is very toxic to cats and can cause irreversible damage to their red blood vessels and liver. Signs to look out for include panting, difficulty breathing and a brown tongue and gums.

If you think any of the above has been consumed, it can prove fatal or if you see your cat exhibiting any of the symptoms please always act immediately and take your cat to the vets.

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